For the meeting April 1, 2024 beginning at 7:00 PM Central Time.
The meeting will be held at the Broken Arrow Community Center.
Located at 1500 S Main St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012.
Membership Dues are due by the first meeting in April each year.

The membership listing will be updated to current paid members after this date.

BAARC Announcements & Business

  1. Open the meeting Greg Meador AI5HV
  2. Minutes Report Be Engler KG5MSM
  3. Treasurer Report Bruce Burnette K5PX
  4. Membership Report Bruce Burnette K5PX
  5. Discussion about Summer Field Day June 22 & 23, 2024 Bruce Bierma KG5CZT
  6. Update from Jody Baker with the Broken Arrow Parks and Recreation Department.
  7. Green Country Hamfest April 12 & 13, 2024 Dan Woods W5BM
  8. Update on storage facilities. Greg Meador AI5HV & Earl Stutzman WB5UUW
  9. Other business
    1. Greg will not be in attendance for the May meeting.
      1. Who will take the assignment for running the meeting on May 6, 2024 ?
      2. If no one volunteers, an assignment will be made from the club directors.
    2. Who will be responsible for the presentation topics for the future meetings ?
      1. May 6th
      2. June 3rd
      3. July 8th is the ice cream social
      4. August 5th
      5. September 3rd
      6. October cookout
      7. November 4th
      8. December Christmas dinner

Social Meet and Greet

What is Chirp and How do I use it to program my radios?  Greg Meador AI5HV

Link to handout:  What-is-Chirp-and-How-Do-I-Use-It-April-1-2024

Retired clinical pharmacist (Hospice)