Club Constitution

As Amended June 2010

ARTICLE I – Purpose

The purpose of the Broken Arrow Amateur Radio Club shall be to bring together those persons who are interested in amateur radio and to help promote the interest of amateur radio, and to foster the advancement of the amateur radio service, and its successors, according to the principals set forth by the Federal Communications Commission.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Membership in the club shall be open to all persons interested in amateur radio, both licensed and non-licensed, upon payment of the prescribed dues. Any member who becomes one-quarter year (90 Days) delinquent in his dues shall lose his membership. Voting rights are reserved for club members who are Licensed Amateur Radio Operators.


Annual dues, as indicated in Article XI of the bylaws , shall be due on the date of the regular meeting in January, payable no later then on the date of the regular meeting in April. Any new member shall pay dues on a quarterly prorated basis . The annual dues , as indicated in Article XI of the Bylaws , may be reviewed for possible adjustment once yearly.

ARTICLE IV – Officers

The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice President-Reporter, one or more second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall be club members in good standing for a period of one year prior to taking office. All Officers shall be licensed Amateur Radio Operators. Officers shall serve a term of one year, and may succeed themselves.

ARTICLE V -Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at all club meetings and appoint all committees as necessary to carry out the functions of the club.

The Vice President-Reporter shall perform the duties of the President in his absence, and shall report all club news to the newspapers.

The Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the Vice President-Reporter in his absence or during his performance as the President. The Second Vice President shall also perform the duties of the President in his absence, if the Vice President-Reporter is also absent at the same time. The Second Vice President shall also act as the Secretary or the Treasurer in their Absence.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the club.

The Treasurer shall perform all financial duties of the club. He shall deposit all club money in a bank, in the club name, and he and the President or a Vice President shall co-sign all checks. He may maintain a petty cash fund, which shall not exceed $100.00

No officer shall cause the club to become indebted without the approval of two other Officers or Board Members.

ARTICLE VI -Election of Officers

The officers of the club shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present. Elections shall be held at the regular January meeting.

ARTICLE VII – Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least once per month, normally on the first Monday. Special meetings may be called upon notice, duly given by the President, through the Vice President-Reporter.

The general guidelines for officers and members whom are conducting business during meetings of the corporation shall be the ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, as they may apply, with certain variances allowed to effectively conduct the meeting, considering the type and purpose of the corporation.

Variances shall be allowed, so long as there are no descending members to the variance, otherwise the ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall apply.

ARTICLE VIII – Amendments

This Constitution can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regular meeting, or special meeting, upon notice, duly given seven (7) days in advance of said meeting, stating that amendment is to be considered.

ADOPTED: June 7, 2010